Thursday, September 10, 2009

Groundbreaking raises a few eyebrows

Physical Plant's Glen Armstrong is no stranger to leading large development projects, but is the first to admit the Ivey building will be unlike any on campus. Here he signs the guest book as he arrives to the ground breaking ceremony held on the site of construction on September 10.

Physical Plant has devoted two project managers to lead the development. Along with Glen, Architect, Mike McLean will oversee the various phases of the $100 million project.

For more info, check out Western News' story:

And the official release:

Friday, September 4, 2009

LED: Lighting the way

Originally uploaded by Brandon Watson
Electrical Designer, Mike LaHey displays a new LED fixture that will replace the overhead lights on the canopy above Alumni Hall's main entrance.

LED technology provides better light quality and uses only a quarter of the energy when compared to incandescent counter-parts. The LED also lives about six times longer than current CFL technology and is 100% recyclable - ie: no mercury.

Mike has been adding LED lights to a number of renovations over the past year or so and estimates that seven buildings are currently sporting the new technology.

Mike's efforts were featured in PPD News (page 5):