Thursday, October 21, 2010

Green Boards Launch

Green Boards Launch
Originally uploaded by Brandon Watson

Supervisor of Grounds and Waste, Jim Galbraith and President, Dr. Amit Chakma showcase Physical Plant's new 'low-tech' communication tool.

The bulletin boards, aptly called the Green Boards, are being deployed on campus to bring greater awareness to Western's recycling program.

The President's Office recycling station is the location for the first board, while the remaining 80+ boards on campus will soon be adorned with similar postings.

In keeping the boards themselves sustainable, the postings are printed on FSC paper and will be reused/recycled through the UTOSS and recycling program.

Uploaded by Brandon Watson on 20 Oct 10, 8.46AM PDT.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Go 'Stangs

Go 'Stangs
Originally uploaded by Brandon Watson
Power Plant Supervisor, Mike Herman seized the moment when it came time to repaint the vertical doors at the heating plant.

In recognition of Western's top-notch athletics programs, the blank canvas became a beacon of Western's Purple Pride.

Mustang athletes came by to see for themselves.

From left to right; Soccer stars Emily Maganja, Christina Fric and Sarah Ogle; hockey stars Adam Nemeth and Kyle Lamb

Uploaded by Brandon Watson on 1 Oct 10, 12.23PM PDT.

Sweet Leaf

Physical Plant got its United Fundraising underway by hosting a tea party in the atrium of Support Services Building.

Volunteer and Physical Plant painter, Warren Meadows and Bridget Johnson from Steeped Tea provided a free taste and took a number of orders - a portion of each order will be donated to the United Way.

If you were unable to attend this week’s event – not to worry – we have other dates set aside for sampling;
Wed. October 13 – 11am to 1pm – Support Services Building Atrium
Thurs. October 21 – 11am to 1pm – Support Services Building Atrium
Thurs. October 28 – 11am to 1pm – Support Services Building Atrium

For more information on the United Way, please visit Western’s dedicated website;

Uploaded by Brandon Watson on 8 Oct 10, 11.42AM PDT.